Hi all, I was trying out pobj_demo.py from the workshop to see if I can parallelize my halo analysis script, but I ran into the problem where I see:
mpirun -n 2 python pobj_demo.py --parallel
gives a warning at the end yt : [WARNING ] 2012-03-16 16:25:05,445 parallel_objects() is being used when parallel_capable is false. The loop is not being run in parallel. This may not be what was expected. I've done a yt instinfo -u and got the latest tip: 052fac826701 (yt) tip but the problem persists. I've tried printing inside the parallel loops for sto, sp in parallel_objects(spheres, num_procs, storage = my_storage): print ytcfg.getint("yt", "__global_parallel_rank") sto.result = sp.quantities['TotalQuantity']('CellMass') sto.result_id = '%4e %4e %4e' % (sp.center[0], sp.center[1],sp.center[2]) and I always get "0", but 20 of them, so I'm guessing that confirms the loop isn't running in parallel, and just runs the 10 spheres serially on 2 processors, so I get double the results. Am I doing something wrong or missed something? From G.S.