You can do something like Mike's example, but you need to remember that the sympy expr is contained in the expr attribute of the unit object:

In [1]: q = yt.YTQuantity(3, 'g/cm**2/s')
In [2]: q.units.expr.atoms()
Out[2]: {-2, -1, cm, g, s}
In [3]: srepr(q.units.expr)
Out[3]: "Mul(Pow(Symbol('cm'), Integer(-2)), Symbol('g'), Pow(Symbol('s'), Integer(-1)))"
In [4]: q.units.expr.args
Out[4]: (g, cm**(-2), 1/s)

The unit object itself is actually (a little embarrassingly) a sympy expression, but a trivial one that doesn't actually contain any unit information.  Admittedly this is not the best for discoverability of what's going on under the hood, but making it a class that inherits from object will require a bit of work and refactoring.

Note that if you want to transform these sympy subexpressions into unit objects, you'll need to pass them through the Unit() constructor.  See e.g. the __mul__ or __div__ function definitions in the Unit class definition (in yt/units/

Hope that helps,


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 7:44 AM, Michael Zingale <> wrote:
There is a sympy atoms method.  If x and y are symbols, then:

> a = x*y
> print a.atoms(sympy.Symbol)
set([x, y])

I suspect that this would work with the units defined in yt.  There is probably a way to get powers too.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:38 AM, John ZuHone <> wrote:
This should be obvious to me, but I can't seem to figure it out.

Is there a way to take a compound units expression like:


and split it into its constituent parts, so that I have a list like this:

[dyne, cm, g]

and maybe even containing the information about the powers?
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Michael Zingale
Associate Professor

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy • Stony Brook University • Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800
phone:  631-632-8225

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