I'm generally in favor of this, as it will lower the barrier to writing documentation, but I have a few questions.

1) Dependencies.  Right now, there is a non-trivial amount of work required to build the docs in full (or even in part).  It isn't a matter of just going into docs and typing `make html` with a vanilla yt installation.  If you want to build all of the notebooks, you need extra libraries, some of them taking a decent amount of time to install.  Pandocs installation is somewhat tricky (homebrew it isn't bad, but with macports, it is very problematic), and I recall a lot of extra steps.  Anyway, if we're going to package the docs with code, should we include all of the docs dependencies in the yt installer?  Or just leave it to individuals to do this on their own?

2) By my count, yt-docs (unbuilt) takes 41MB of space, with yt-hg taking 113MB of space, so I think this is not going to break the bank to move the docs into the yt repo, as long as we continue to do mostly dynamically generated images/movies/content.  If we start tracking lots of media files, it could bulk pretty fast.

3) What happens to the history of the docs in mercurial if we move them into the yt source repo?  Does it start everything at ground zero?  Or do we retain the history of commits from the yt-doc repo?


On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Brian O'Shea <bwoshea@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1.  I really like having the docs and the source in the same repository,
> for the reasons that you've listed.  Also, when I put yt on a new machine it
> makes it impossible for me to forget to also get the docs...  :-)

They do currently get checked out into
$YT_DEST/src/yt-supplemental/yt-doc , but we can get rid of that if we
move them back in.



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Cameron Hummels
Postdoctoral Researcher
Steward Observatory
University of Arizona