Nathan in IRC mentioned the SSL warning; the certificate is self-signed, and once the domain transfer happens I'm going to obtain a proper cert. On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 3:01 PM, Matthew Turk <matthewturk@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
Last August we announced the creation of the yt Hub, at hub.yt-project.org, to replace the ailing Barn project. It was somewhat successful; it received about 30 submissions, which is 30 more than we had before it was announced. Rick Wagner emailed me Sunday morning to let me know he'd been able to find a considerable amount of Spam on the site; while we had put in restrictions keeping it from going to the front page, or being "published" and sent through the RSS Feed / email subscription, it was still possible to find them while searching the site. Britton spent some time clearing it out, and it turns out that in total we had 10,000 spam submissions on the entire site. I attribute most of the traffic to clever google searches on the part of spammers -- the strings used on the hub come from the original software, pligg, which was vulnerable to spam.
Back in March, I received a grant from Amazon in Education to launch a data pastebin, which has been happily up and running -- although underused, as it hasn't been announced properly. Hooks into it have been inserted into the development branch, will undergo a tad bit of polish before 2.4, and will be played up in the 2.4 release cycle. (For instance, PlotCollection objects are already uploadable, along with projections, and slices. We have a vertex-display method, but uploads are not nice yet.) It's kind of neat, but only time will tell if this fits a niche for people. I've slowly been adding on new stuff, and the next item is going to be "named pastes" -- something that we've kind of wanted for a while, but never implemented.
Anyway, the convergence of these things has led us to try to implement project listing in the data hub. This will be much less accessible to spammers, as the only upload mechanism will be via API, rather than web form. We'll also have substantially more control over the presentation, methods of interaction, and the entire software stack. This brings with it some challenges, but I believe we can overcome them.
As a first step, I've imported all the projects from the old hub, as well as the users for those projects. (You can regain access by resetting your password; your passwords are all set to random values.) This first step is here:
but I would like to migrate it to hub.yt-project.org and unify both offerings. Project URLs will remain functional, although through redirects. Note that the getting started instructions require a change I implemented in development tip this afternoon.
I'd like to solicit feedback on this:
1) What suggestions do you have for views, style, appearance, etc? 2) What problems do you see as is? 3) What needs to be added?
For what it's worth, I'm working to add editing of submitted projects, to refine the yt mechanism for submitting new projects (right now it's non-functional), and to add more documentation about how to use the hub. The repo is hosted (publicly) on BitBucket under my account as yt.hub, so if you want to help out feel free to dive in.
As a word of warning, as I fiddle with things and add new things, there may be interruptions in service. Let me know off-list if you think you see one that's long-lived or broken.