Hi Matt, First things first - I've never even tried to do a volume rendering inline. If we don't want to move data around, it should be straightforward for simulations without load balancing turned on because the enzo domain decomposition mimics the kd-tree breadth-first decomposition (with a few adjustments). If load-balancing is turned on, I really have no clue how one would do this without some major additions. If we are okay with moving data around then there are more options and we would just have to put an initial data distribution function before the rendering begins. We could even add in some better memory management so that chunks of data are sent as needed instead of having to load everything into memory at one time. Alternatively, if we don't care about back-to-front ray-casting (in some cases you can't tell much of a difference), then the problem gets very simple...we may want to try this out on some post processing renders and get a feel for how much it matters. Anyways, I guess the current status would be that if we want it to work for all cases, it's going to take quite a bit more work. If we want it to work in some of the cases, it shouldn't be too much more work. Sam On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Matthew Turk <matthewturk@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all, (especially Sam)
What's the current status of inline Enzo volume rendering? Sam, you had mentioned to me that with the new kD-tree decomposition that this should be feasible. If we opt not to move data around, which is my preference, is it still possible to partition every grid that belongs to a processor and then do the appropriate number of intermediate composition steps of the image? I recall Sam saying this may require log_2 Nproc composition steps, which may in fact be acceptable.
PS Stephen, Britton and I have been chatting off-list about inline HOP, but once we come to a consensus we'll float it back onto the list. _______________________________________________ Yt-dev mailing list Yt-dev@lists.spacepope.org http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org