Hi all, As discussed over on yt-users, people have requested that the parameter file reading be changed for Enzo, to scrape the entire parameter file. I've committed a change and pushed to *my* fork of yt on BitBucket. The change is shorter than this email. https://bitbucket.org/MatthewTurk/yt/changeset/e96282130e63 Please pull this revision and see if it works for your parameter files. It works for mine. If it works globally, I will push to the main repo. A test script is here: http://paste.enzotools.org/show/1751/ which will print out the conversion factors between the two. There are other items to check as well. This is potentially a HUGE change that might have errors, so I ask for your testing on it! If I get several testings, I will push, otherwise I will back it out. There are three things I wanted to bring up: 1) Enzo 3.0 will feature a much better configuration system, making most of this irrelevant. 2) I would like to move away from using the CurrentTimeIdentifer as a unique ID to using MetaDataDatasetUUID as that identifier. This will break existing pickles. I think the natural time to do this is at yt-3.0. [+-][01]? 3) With yt-3.0, I would like to remove the dict-like access to the parameter file we currently have, which currently queries *FOUR* dictionaries in order: units time_units parameters conversion_factors I'd like to split this into at least parameters and units. [+-][01]? -Matt