(grid['x'] + 0.5 * grid['dx'] > self.left_edge[0])
(grid['x'] + 0.0 * grid['dx'] > self.left_edge[0])
(and so on, so that all of them are non-inclusive)
do you get identical *textual* results over your suite of tests?
Would it be possible to impose upon you to run this on 1, 2, 8, 16 processors, with some fixed padding, and then send the HopOutput.txt from those four to the list?
All of these things have been done. I've attached the text files, where MattFix outputs are using Matt's request above, by-hand is the output from my total_mass fix done by hand. The only differences between these is the value of 'max_dens,' which changes due to box size, but all other values are identical for each run. _______________________________________________________ sskory@physics.ucsd.edu o__ Stephen Skory http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student ________________________________(_)_\(_)_______________