Hi all, I am working on a new yt frontend for the Enzo-P code. Enzo-P outputs runtime parameters in a libconfig format and I am looking for a reliable package to read this. yt has a libconfig-style reader in yt/utilities/pyparselibconfig, but it does not seem to parse Enzo-P parameter files correctly. I have tried a few other python libconfig parsers that do parse them correctly, so I believe the problem is with the yt module. For what it's worth, the only use of yt's libconfig parser is in the Enzo frontend for a certain style of Enzo-3.0 data, but it doesn't look like this is being tested, nor do we host any sample data of this format. I have a PR open for the Enzo-P frontend here <https://github.com/yt-project/yt/pull/1490> that makes use of an external package, called libconf <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/libconf>. I've implemented this as an on-demand import, so it will only be required if you're actually loading Enzo-P data. The pros for libconf are that it's pure python, pip installable, has a permissive MIT license, and works in both python 2 and 3. The con is of course that this adds a new dependency. Personally, I would prefer not having to maintain our own module to do this, but I'm open to other opinions. What are people's thoughts on adding this dependency? Britton