Hi Nathan, I am going to SciPy, but not for the sprint days.  Nevertheless I hope to atleast get the chance to meet up with you and talk about yt.  My original motivation for the conference is to learn more about how people are training students in computation and python in particular.

Hope to see you there,


On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

Matt has submitted a proposal for a yt sprint at the Scipy conference. I think the proposal is pretty much pro forma - there will almost certainly be a yt sprint.

The sprints will be July 11th and 12th.  I'm planning on being there for both days but will have to leave to catch a plane the afternoon of July 12th.

Please reply to this thread if you're interested in participating.  Even if you're not going to be at the scipy conference this year, remote participation will certainly be doable.


yt-dev mailing list

Michael Zingale
Associate Professor

Dept. of Physics & Astronomy • Stony Brook University • Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800
phone:  631-632-8225
e-mail: Michael.Zingale@stonybrook.edu
web: http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/mzingale