Hi Daniel,

Thanks for writing -- glad to hear you've had some success with writing your frontend!

The io.py file could be better documented, and I will use this email as the basis for such documentation at my earliest ability.  The io.py file is where the IOHandler is defined; there are a handful of methods to implement, depending on the specific type of indexing system your data uses.  If it is grid-based, then this is relatively simple (although implementing more advanced things like caching and the like requires a bit more effort) and it can simply be this:

class MyIOHandler(BaseIOHandler):
    _dataset_type = "my_dataset_type"
    def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf):
        # ptf is a dict, where the keys are the particle types, and the values are the fields to read
        # this routine must yield a tuple of the form (ptype_name, (x_coords, y_coords, z_coords))

    def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector):
        # this routine is similar to the above, but it yields a selected set of particles -- for instance, using selector.select_points on the x,y,z coordinate arrays.
        # This must yield a tuple of the form ((ptype_name, field_name), data_array) 

    def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
        # this routine reads mesh values from disk.  The routine *returns* a dictionary of the form {field: value} for each field, and it uses the selectors in the chunks.gobjs to choose which values to mask.

The FLASH frontend is relatively short and good to use as a reference for this, and I'd suggest checking it out.  I hope that this has helped, and let us know if you run into anything else!


On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Grassinger, Daniel <d.grassinger@hzdr.de> wrote:
Hi developers,

I make an internship at a German reasearcher institute. My job is to write a frontend for yt to load a special kind of HDF5 files. Most parts of the code are are working now. So the yt.load() function create a dataset without throwing errors.

But I have still some erros when I wand to make a plot.
The reason is I have problems with the code in the io.py.

Can you please help me with further explanation of the class in io.py.

Thank you for helping.

Daniel Grassinger
yt-dev mailing list