Hi Cameron,

Someone else will be able to answer about the depositing but this is a little tricky since the actual kernel depends on which SPH formulation is used: some use a cubic spline, some a quintic, etc., and some have the “smoothing length” as h while other use h/2. The Springel (2003) paper though is a good place to start; iirc, he has the equation for the cubic spline (along with the definition of h) there.


On September 8, 2016 at 1:43:13 PM, Cameron Hummels (chummels@gmail.com) wrote:

Hey everyone,

Britton, Devin, and I are writing up the Trident method paper, and we wanted to be explicit about how exactly yt deposits SPH field quantities on to an octree for particle-based fields.  Are there any formal equations for this written down anywhere?  I realize SPH support was added since the first yt method paper, so it isn't in there, and I cannot seem to find anything in the docs.  I wonder if anyone has anything written down for this or if I'm missing it somewhere?



Cameron Hummels
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Astronomy
California Institute of Technology
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