Hi folks,

A bunch of functions have been deprecated throughout yt’s life, and in particular, many of these were explicitly targeted for removal post 4.0

The following PR cleans up most of this material https://github.com/yt-project/yt/pull/3240

I do not expect this to be controversial since most of the removed content was deprecated long before yt 4.0 when we didn’t have a clear deprecation cycle, but just in case, I’d like to advertise the PR for discussion.
If anyone is currently developing stuff that depends directly on the main branch and needs some additional period of time to adjust to these deprecations, let’s hear them.

Here’s a couple relevant remarks:
  - downstream projects should be able to detect deprecation warnings automatically by configuring CI to treat warnings as errors, which is something we’ve been doing with yt itself lately.
  - we’ve deprecated usage of ambiguous fields (e.g., using ‘density’ instead of (“gas”, “density”) when (“stream”, “density”) also exists), but this part is intentionally left out of the PR because it is not trivial to deal with internally.
  - this work will *not* affect the yt 4.0.x series, so it’ll stay possible to use the deprecated stuff with versions released up to now (and any future bug fix release in the 4.0 series)

So in short: any objections to merging this asap ?
