Hi all,

After the totally awesome G+ hangout, we've made a few decisions on the upcoming 2.3 release.

First of all, we have set a deadline of December 15th. 

Out of the "new stuff since 2.2", shown below, I have created documentation issues 
for each feature (except the bug fixes).  In order for the feature to be included in the 2.3 release, the corresponding documentation issue must be closed.  Stay tuned for Jeff's email describing what is needed for a documentation issue to be closed.  If on the 15th a given feature has not been passed through this process, it will be bumped to 2.4.  

I have assigned many of the tasks to individual people, but there are a few that have not yet been assigned.  If you see your feature on that list, assign it to yourself and start documenting!   

New stuff since 2.2:

 * Multi-level parallelism
 * Real, extensive answer tests
 * Boolean data regions
 * Isocontours / flux calculations
 * "deliberate_field" branch merge (pending PR)
 * PHOP memory improvements
 * Bug fixes for tests
 * Parallel data loading for RAMSES, along with other speedups and
improvements there
 * Performance improvements for volume rendering
 * (beta) Rockstar interoperability
 * Adaptive HEALpix support (with a few bugs left)
 * Column density calculations
 * Massive speedup for 1D profiles
 * Lots more, bug fixes etc.  (Including a bug fix for the tests!)
 * Re-organization of Docs/Website

Your Diamond Manifold Overlord,