Hi Matt,
My understanding is that this is the metric for including items in the
release *announcement*, right?  Not necessarily for removing items.

Yep, that's right.  Sorry for the confusion. It will remain in the code, but not be included in the announcement.


> I have assigned many of the tasks to individual people, but there are a few
> that have not yet been assigned.  If you see your feature on that list,
> assign it to yourself and start documenting!
> New stuff since 2.2:
>  * Multi-level parallelism
>  * Real, extensive answer tests
>  * Boolean data regions
>  * Isocontours / flux calculations
>  * "deliberate_field" branch merge (pending PR)
>  * PHOP memory improvements
>  * Bug fixes for tests
>  * Parallel data loading for RAMSES, along with other speedups and
> improvements there
>  * Performance improvements for volume rendering
>  * (beta) Rockstar interoperability
>  * Adaptive HEALpix support (with a few bugs left)
>  * Column density calculations
>  * Massive speedup for 1D profiles
>  * Lots more, bug fixes etc.  (Including a bug fix for the tests!)
>  * Re-organization of Docs/Website
> Your Diamond Manifold Overlord,
> Sam
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> yt-dev mailing list
> yt-dev@lists.spacepope.org
> http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org
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