Hi all,

Please remember to respond to these polls if you'd like to attend the triage meeting at all! I'll be choosing the times for the triage meetings at EOB tomorrow. 


On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 3:52 PM Madicken Munk <madicken.munk@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi yt community,

I'd like to start scheduling yt triage meetings for the next few months. If you're interested in yt development, in discussing your recently submitted PR, or you've encountered a bug but you're not sure quite how to start fixing it, then we'd love for you to attend the triage meetings! 

To be more inclusive to developers a breadth of timezones, we'll alternate triage meeting times every other week. I'll choose one early morning time and afternoon time (based on US central time), which together should cover more developers' availability. If you're interested in attending at all, please respond to the polls I'm sending out!

Meetings will be on Fridays. Report your general Friday availability, not just the availability for March 06. 
Morning meeting poll: http://whenisgood.net/7cbrt49
Afternoon meeting poll: http://whenisgood.net/t3hci7j

There are two different polls -- if you know for sure you won't be attending one of the meetings (if you're in Europe and don't like or plan on attending a meeting in the evening, for example), please do not respond to the poll for that time at all and only respond to the one where you plan to attend. Make sure to update the time zone of the poll to be where you're located! 

These triage meetings will build off of the ones we had in the fall, but I'd like to expand their scope a bit. The first purpose of the meetings will be to do day-to-day yt maintenance work (triage issues, review PRs, respond to issues, etc.), then if we have time the rest of the time can be spent either coworking or talking about where to direct our developer resources over the coming week (which bugs we should focus on fixing, what features need improvement, etc.). We have the yt-4.0 release and yt 3.6 releases on the horizon, so supporting the project moving towards these releases will keep things going! 

I will pick times for yt triage meetings based on whoever has filled out the poll by Wednesday, March 11th. Our first triage meeting will be on Friday, March 13th (👻)! I'm looking forward to triaging, PRing, and community-ing with you all! 
