I'm playing around with the Maestro/BoxLib frontend. Maestro (and Castro) plotfiles contain a file called job_info that stores a lot of metadata, including the values of all runtime parameters and the git hashes corresponding to which versions of the various codes were used to build the executable. Currently we have all of the runtime parameters stored in the parameters dictionary. I'd like to add the version control hashes in a dictionary as well. I can add them to the same parameters file, but I am wondering if other codes use a standard place for this. Ultimately I'd like to save some of this information (especially the code hashes) in the output files that yt generates: i.e. as png metadata, simple postscript comments for eps files, or pdf metadata for pdf files. This will help complete the link toward reproducibility in that it will preserve the chain of information from code to output to plot. Mike -- Michael Zingale Associate Professor Dept. of Physics & Astronomy * Stony Brook University * Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 *phone*: 631-632-8225 *e-mail*: Michael.Zingale@stonybrook.edu *web*: http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/mzingale