Hi everyone,

In conjunction with the release of yt 3.5, I'm pleased to announce the
inaugural release of the yt_astro_analysis package.

yt_astro_analysis is an extension of yt for astro-specific analysis
modules. This functionality previously existed in yt as the
analysis_modules submodule, but has been spun off into its own package
to allow development to occur on its own timeline independent of yt.

yt_astro_analysis includes:

- halo finding
- halo analysis
- light cones
- data export to RADMC-3D radiative transfer code

Switching from yt's analysis_modules to yt_astro_analysis should be
straightforward. yt_astro_analysis can be installed with pip:

pip install yt_astro_analysis

Then, analysis scripts need only change their import lines from
"yt.analysis_modules" to "yt.extensions.astro_analysis".

The yt_astro_analysis package lives at:

Documentation can be found at:

Just like yt, contributions to yt_astro_analysis are highly

The yt development team

yt_astro_analysis has received contributions from the following

Pengfei Chen
Bili Dong
Hilary Egan
Nathan Goldbaum
Cameron Hummels
Kacper Kowalik
Matthew Krafczyk
Michael Kuhlen
Sam Leitner
Joshua Moloney
Christopher Moody
Andrew Myers
Mark Richardson
Douglas Rudd
Anthony Scopatz
Sam Skillman
Stephen Skory
Britton Smith
Geoffrey So
Casey W. Stark
Stephanie Tonnesen
Matthew Turk
Miguel de Val-Borro
Mike Warren
John Wise
John ZuHone