* Rewrite the remaining docs that use PlotCollection. Specifically, orientation/making_plots.rst needs to be completely redone. Can someone volunteer to rewrite this document?
I can take care of that one.
This will require defining a NumberSpecies field, currently only defined in the enzo frontend. Really, NumberDensity should be a univseral field but I guess its definition will be highly code-dependent with respect to how different codes handle multispecies simulations. Each of the maintainers for the different codes will have to update their frontend to include the NumberDensity field. While we're thinking about this, are there any other universal fields that depend on enzo-only fields? Cheers, Nathan On Jul 25, 2012, at 11:19 AM, Matthew Turk wrote:
Hi all,
There's been a flurry of activity on the docs this week.
* All the cookbook recipes have been moved into the docs and the cookbook shut down. We now have 45 cookbook recipes, and they're integrated much better into the docs. * Most of the docs have been rewritten to remove PlotCollection * The data index is now part of the website repo. It's up, but the files are still copying.
Here's my current draft of the changelog for 2.4. Did I forget anything?
We're just about good to go. These things still need to be done:
* Rewrite the remaining docs that use PlotCollection. Specifically, orientation/making_plots.rst needs to be completely redone. Can someone volunteer to rewrite this document? * Volume rendering docs need to be rewritten en masse, as they are quite out of date and don't reflect best practices or new functionality (ticket #382). * Do we want to put answer testing docs in for this release, or should we push that off to a point release at a slightly later date? * Write docs about the Hub, which I will do. * Check to make sure that everything that SHOULD be documented in the API docs IS documented.
In the past we've also talked about slides demonstrating new functionality, as well as the possibility of doing screencasts. I'm going to throw together some HTML slides, but if anybody wants to do a screencast that would be outstanding. We actually have gotten *many* views in the past of screencasts.
I think that's about it. There are two additional technical tickets that should be addressed:
https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issue/401/entropy-field-does-not-work-f... https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issue/390/transfer-function-bounds
I can do the second, but I don't know what to do about the first.
Thanks all,
-Matt _______________________________________________ yt-dev mailing list yt-dev@lists.spacepope.org http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org