The new site is live :)

Congratulations to Matt for getting the ball rolling, doing most of the work, and laying out our gorgeous new website.  Thanks also everyone that contributed, particularly for all of the nice gallery entries.  Keep 'em coming!

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 4:25 AM, Matthew Turk <> wrote:
Hi all,

Anybody have any additional feedback?  I think the remaining two
things to fix up are the Ohloh widget and the facebook button.  But, I
think we're all set for "launch", otherwise.

Additionally, if you haven't added something to the gallery and
particularly if you have something cool *with* a script, please feel
free to do so.  I've merged in the outstanding PR to the main website,
so PRs and whatnot can happen there:


On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Matthew Turk <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The last week or so, I've been working on a redesign of the website.
> I've gotten some really good feedback from Nathan, Britton and a few
> others, and I think it's ready to be opened up for more general
> comments.
> The redesign pull request is here:
> and the redesign itself can be viewed here:
> There were a couple goals here:
>  * Make information much easier to get at
>  * Reduce the text and increase the size of the text on the front page
>  * Make the website *way* easier for people to edit
>  * Make the website *way* less javascript heavy
>  * Indicate much more strongly that we're part of the scientific
> Python ecosystem
>  * Emphasize that yt is analysis-focused with visualization built on
> that, rather than the other way around
> There are a few visual glitches still (the headings underline when you
> mouse over them, and I'm trying to make the text lighter) but I think
> it's ready for feedback.  I'd appreciate any comments, either here or
> on the pull request.  And, if we decide this is *not* the direction to
> go, that's fine too!
> Britton and I have gone back and forth on how to fix up the gallery
> and integrate the hub and the blog more deeply.  That's a much longer
> project, but we see the three all coming together nicely in the
> future.  As it stands, the Gallery will likely include a few images
> linked to scientific papers, link to a few things on the hub
> (notebooks, projects, etc), and is currently handled via version
> control.
> Britton's working on expanding it, but if you can read this, you
> should also add some stuff to it!  Ultimately what I think would work
> best would be to solicit contributions directly, solicit contributions
> to the hub, and then flag some things for display in the gallery.  It
> would be nice to include basically all types of contributions here --
> notebooks, scripts, figures, papers -- and I'm coming to really think
> the gallery is essential.
> Incidentally, this week as Anthony and I have been working on getting
> support for PyNE interoperability with yt, I've had occasion to view
> their docs and found them to be really nice.  The gallery system they
> have is quite nice and very similar to where we're going with the yt
> docs and the cookbook, but just a *little* bit further than we've
> gone:
> If we decide this website is the way to go, I'll spend some time
> trying to make our docs play look a bit nicer with it, although likely
> not with black background.
> Thanks for any feedback,
> Matt
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