yt-2.0 Release Announcement

Hi All, We're proud to announce the release of yt version 2.0, an analysis and visualization toolkit for Adaptive Mesh Refinement data. This release features a complete reorganization of the yt internal codebase, a number of bug fixes, and numerous improvements to the code base and the documentation. This is also the first release since the publication of the yt method paper in ApJS ( The major changes in 2.0 since version 1.7 (Released on June 27, 2010) include: * Major reorganization of the codebase for speed, ease of modification, and maintainability * Re-organization of documentation and addition of Orientation Session * Support for FLASH code * Preliminary support for MAESTRO, CASTRO, ART, and RAMSES (contributions welcome!) * Perspective projection for volume rendering * Exporting to Sunrise * Preliminary particle rendering in volume rendering visualization * Drastically improved parallel volume rendering, via kD-tree decomposition * Simple merger tree calculation for FOF catalogs * New and greatly expanded documentation, with a "source" button in the API documentation (see for an example) yt features native support for astrophysical data generated by several codes, providing a natural and intuitive way to address physical regions in space as well as processed data. Development has been sponsored by NSF, DoE, and University funding. If you are running an older version of yt, re-obtaining and re-running the installation script should happily upgrade your installation. If you are using an older version that is checked out from the mercurial repository, executing "yt instinfo -u" should also perform the upgrade appropriately. If you are still using an older version obtained from the old (discontinued) SVN repository, you will need to get the install script and reinstall. yt is a Free and Open Source project, and we invite you to get involved. For more information, join the yt-dev mailing list, or see the hacking guidelines on the Wiki: . We anticipate several more releases in the 2.0 series as documentation and docstring coverage progress. Future developments will include an overhaul of the plotting system for intuitive generation of plots, a web-based notebook for remote analysis, better time series support, and inline analysis of running simulations. Please forward this announcement to any individuals or mailing lists you think may be interested. Sincerely, The yt development team: Matthew Turk Britton Smith Jeff Oishi Sam Skillman Stephen Skory John Wise Chris Malone John ZuHone Christopher Moody
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