Fwd: Quick astro-viz demo at AAS on Monday morning?

Hi all, Long shot but if anyone is in Seattle for the Winter AAS meeting, Peter Williams is looking for someone to represent the yt project at a data visualization special session. See below for more details. If you can do this and are willing to do so please reply to me and Peter off-list. -Nathan ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Peter K. G. Williams <pwilliams@cfa.harvard.edu> Date: Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 12:06 PM Subject: Quick astro-viz demo at AAS on Monday morning? To: Matthew Turk <matthewturk@gmail.com>, Nathan Goldbaum < nathan12343@gmail.com>, <jzuhone@cfa.harvard.edu> Dear all, I'm helping to organize a special session on astronomical data visualization at the Seattle AAS meeting. We've got a nice lineup of speakers, but I realized that (AFAIK) we've failed to reach out to anyone from the yt community to see if they'd like to contribute. So, I know this is very last-minute, but would any of you be interested in showing something fun at AAS on Monday morning? It will be a very informal session, and presentations will be 8+2 minutes — we're interested in pure eye candy, or serious viz-oriented science, or anything in between. If there's someone linked to yt that I haven't CC'ed who might be interested, please feel free to forward on the invitation! Thanks, and happy new year, Peter -- Dr. Peter K. G. Williams — https://newton.cx/~peter/ Innovation Scientist, Center for Astrophysics and the American Astronomical Society Director of the AAS WorldWide Telescope
participants (1)
Nathan Goldbaum