Fwd: [IPython-dev] Nice WebGL integration in the notebook at the IPython sprints at PyCon Canada (tried JSMol first)

This is pretty cool. Really, really cool. I have experimented with Javascript widgets from the IPython notebook, and I think that the Reason widgets could be implemented, once the webapp refactoring they're in the midst of doing is done -- we still need to supply a bit of chrome around the CSS/JS, which we can't right now in the way I'd like to. I think our widget registry system and callback scheme will fit exactly correctly to do this, as well. So as soon as it's viable, I want to migrate Reason to the IPython notebook. The way they're doing it here, I believe, implements a display protocol which doesn't have callbacks; in principle our existing WebGL widgets (which use XTK) could be implemented this way, as we don't need callbacks for them. Anybody want to give it a shot? :) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Fernando Perez <fperez.net@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 5:22 PM Subject: [IPython-dev] Nice WebGL integration in the notebook at the IPython sprints at PyCon Canada (tried JSMol first) To: IPython Development list <ipython-dev@scipy.org> Hi folks, I know a number of people have asked about 3d in the notebook. We had a team try to integrate JSMol (the JS version of the venerable JMol) but they found too many bugs for that to be a viable path, and instead focused on doing it directly with pure WebGL and the new JSON management machinery. Here's a quick demo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/47156828@N06/8183294725 they had to run and I don't have the github repo URL right now, will get it soon and will post. But it looked very nice! I'll try to make a little blog post later on with a summary of what we got done, there's been a ton of good work. Cheers, f _______________________________________________ IPython-dev mailing list IPython-dev@scipy.org http://mail.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/ipython-dev
participants (1)
Matthew Turk