Nominate Abhishek Singh to be a yt project member

Hi all, Abhishek has been working hard on improving the yt test suite for google summer of code. So far he's been focusing on expanding test coverage, speeding up the tests, and decreasing our reliance on big test datasets. He's already merged quite a bit of code even though we've just started. At the rate he's been going on updating the tests I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up among the top several contributors to the codebase by commit count by the end of the summer. If you'd like to follow along with his work, see his blog: Per YTEP-1776 ( I'd like to nominate Abhishek to be a yt project member. This will allow him to merge other developers pull requests but more importantly for the purposes of his project will give him access to manage the travis and appveyor build configuration which should accelerate his work this summer. According to the rules we need the support of three other project members to second the nomination, at which point I'll add Abhishek to the website and the YTEP document. If you'd like to second just reply saying so to this e-mail thread. We also have one more summer of code student, Ashley Kelly, who is working this summer on the ongoing project to improve support for SPH data in yt-4.0. He's just getting started because he had to do some exams at the end of May but is planning to extend his participation past the end of the official program to make up time. I expect I will be nominating him soon as well. -Nathan
participants (4)
Bili Dong - Gmail
John Zuhone
Matthew Turk
Nathan Goldbaum