Just FYI, if you need fast kd-trees in C with a Python interface, scipy.spatial has them; additionally, scipy.spatial is largely separable from scipy as a whole, so any compilation problems with scipy will likely not apply to spatial. ( http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/spatial.html ) This could be extremely useful for a number of problems with generating subsets of data in yt, clustering algorithms, and ray tracing algorithms. And now it's multi-threaded. Sent to you by Matt via Google Reader: Implementation of a parallel cKDTree via gmane.comp.python.scientific.user by Sturla Molden on 2/27/09 I have fiddled a bit with scipy.spatial.cKDTree for better performance on multicore CPUs. I have used threading.Thread instead of OpenMP, so no special compilation or compiler is required. The number of threads defaults to the number of processors if it can be determined. The performance is not much different from what I get with OpenMP. It is faster than using cKDTree with multiprocessing and shared memory. Memory handling is also improved. There are checks for NULL pointers returned by malloc or realloc. setjmp/longjmp is used for error handling if malloc or realloc fail. A memory pool is used to make sure all complex data structures are cleaned up properly. I have assumed that crt functions malloc, realloc and free are thread safe. This is usually the case. If they are not, they must be wrapped with calls to PyGILState_Ensure and PyGILState_Release. I have not done this as it could impair scalability. Regards, Sturla Molden _______________________________________________ SciPy-user mailing list SciPy-user< at >scipy.org http://projects.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/scipy-user Things you can do from here: - Subscribe to gmane.comp.python.scientific.user using Google Reader - Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your favorite sites
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