Testing new feature: Uploading IPython notebooks to the Hub

Hi all, (This is preliminary! I would love to hear about problems or other issues you end up having with it!) Nathan, Sam and I were chatting today about IPython notebooks. IPython has a really neat Notebook Viewer at nbviewer.ipython.org which accepts a URL and then renders that in the browser. After we played a bit with the pastebin (unsuccessfully) I added a "notebook" type to the Hub. So if you have a Hub user and your API key is set correctly, you can navigate in your filesystem to an .ipynb file and do: yt upload_notebook that_notebook.ipynb This will not only toss it up on the Hub (where you can download it or pass around the URL) but it also will set up a nice little URL redirector to pass it to the nbviewer. So earlier I uploaded one of Sam's notebooks and yt spit this back out at me: -- Upload successful! To access your raw notebook go here: https://hub.yt-project.org/go/i7u32m To view your notebook go here: https://hub.yt-project.org/nb/i7u32m -- If you click on that second one you can see how it gets rendered. Pretty cool! Anyway, let me know if it works for you or if you run into problems. -Matt
participants (1)
Matthew Turk