Dear Colleague, Please pass this email along to any researchers that you feel may be interested, and apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message. Announcing the availability of Enzo Version 2.0 =============================================== We are proud to announce the public release of Enzo version 2.0. Enzo is a parallel code for astrophysical and cosmological simulations utilizing adaptive mesh refinement. Enzo 2.0 features many new physics capabilities including ideal MHD, radiation transport (ray tracing and flux limited diffusion), star particle class, metallicity-dependent cooling, and several new hydro solvers. More importantly, we have introduced new software tools to make using and developing Enzo easier. We have adopted distributed version control using Mercurial which supports the growing Enzo developer community. The documentation has been made more accessible and is now distributed with the source code. We have more than doubled the number of test problems and example problems (as well as the number of developers!) In addition, we have added solution testing to the nightly regression tests. Enzo 2.0 is the product of developments made at UC San Diego, Stanford, Columbia, MSU, CU Boulder, CITA, McMaster, SMU, and UC Berkeley. Enzo 2.0 now lives at to reflect its multi-institutional provenance. Prospective users are also encouraged to view online lectures from the 2010 Enzo Users' Workshop at Enzo development is supported by grants AST-0808184 and OCI-0832662 from the National Science Foundation. THE ENZO DEVELOPMENT TEAM
participants (1)
Matthew Turk