[yt_analysis/yt] Athena unitary units broken for domain_left_edge = 0.0 (issue #513)

--- you can reply above this line --- New issue 513: Athena unitary units broken for domain_left_edge = 0.0 https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/issue/513/athena-unitary-units-broken-f... Sam Skillman: Reported by Nick Moekel: an example, with domain_left_edge = [0, 0, 0], and right_edge = [1, 1, 1] ``` #!python In [18]: center=[0.5,0.5,0.5] In [19]: lc = [0,0, 0.0, ,0.4] In [20]: rc=[1.0,1.0,0.6] In [21]: region = pf.h.region(center, lc, rc) In [22]: region.volume() Out[22]: -inf ``` This is caused by pf['unitary'] = -np.inf, because during the parsing of the parameter file, we guess that the domain_right_edge = - domain_left_edge. This gets corrected during the hierarchy build, but the change doesn't propogate to fix pf['unitary']. Responsible: samskillman -- This is an issue notification from bitbucket.org. You are receiving this either because you are the owner of the issue, or you are following the issue.
participants (1)
Sam Skillman