Hi everyone, Matt, Chris Moody, and myself have started a bit of a conversation off-list about overhauling the halo finding machinery that we would like to bring here. This has been sparked by some recent work on the Rockstar integration into yt. Matt will surely be able to summarize these issues better, but here's how I understand things: - As Matt wrote the halo finding stuff years ago, it isn't very scalable to high levels of parallelism. In particular, halo object information isn't as shared across parallel processes as they should be. For some of the halo finders, data is localized to the processor that "owns" the halo. When running in parallel, the local values need to be broadcast to all the other processors when accessed. This is why you get the halo mass with a function "halo.total_mass()" instead of a simple class value "halo.total_mass". The "total_mass()" function (and other halo object functions) is wrapped with a decorator that broadcasts the value transparently. I think it should be fairly straightforward to ensure that all halos objects on all tasks know all the key bits of info, but it's not clear to me how particle access would work. - Matt has also raised the idea of creating "callbacks" for halo finders. I don't understand this quite as well, but I think it means that it would be possible to write functions that would operate on the particles as the halo finder runs (or is finished finding halos but before it returns) to ensure good parallelism and speed. He has also mentioned that it would be possible for these callbacks to pull grid information from Python if that was needed for the analysis. What I don't quite understand here is where these callbacks would actually operate? In c for HOP, in cython for Rockstar, and Python for parallel HOP? Or would they happen between what the halo finder returns and building the halo lists? I probably have more things to say and ask, but I think I'll let Matt come in. -- Stephen Skory s@skory.us http://stephenskory.com/ 510.621.3687 (google voice)

Hi Stephen, Thanks for writing and summarizing this! On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Stephen Skory <s@skory.us> wrote:
Hi everyone,
Matt, Chris Moody, and myself have started a bit of a conversation off-list about overhauling the halo finding machinery that we would like to bring here. This has been sparked by some recent work on the Rockstar integration into yt. Matt will surely be able to summarize these issues better, but here's how I understand things:
- As Matt wrote the halo finding stuff years ago, it isn't very scalable to high levels of parallelism. In particular, halo object information isn't as shared across parallel processes as they should be. For some of the halo finders, data is localized to the processor that "owns" the halo. When running in parallel, the local values need to be broadcast to all the other processors when accessed. This is why you get the halo mass with a function "halo.total_mass()" instead of a simple class value "halo.total_mass". The "total_mass()" function (and other halo object functions) is wrapped with a decorator that broadcasts the value transparently.
Yes, that's right. So this was done for what I thought were very good reasons five years ago, but which in retrospect were mistaken. If you conceptually break up the process of finding halos into a couple different steps, you could say: * Find the halos * Return halos to script/user * Analyze each halo individually * Synthesize this What this looks like for yt right now is roughly: halos = HaloFinder(pf) for halo in halos: mass = halo.total_mass() all_masses.something() Now, this is all predicated on the idea that we want to do something really in-depth to each individual halo, this makes sense. But usually, we don't! In fact, for the most part, all of the things we want to do to a halo can be enumerated in advance, and really, that list isn't terribly long. Additionally, the halos all carry around particles. But, we don't pass those particles around -- which means that we (as Stephen noted) sequentially analyze each one. But, there are a few things we *do* want to do cross-correlation between halos for. So for that, we will want to keep particles in memory. But those items are relatively straightforward to do later. So something like this actually probably won't work at all: halos = HaloFinder(pf) for halo in parallel_objects(halos): mass = halo.total_mass() ...because what's going on is that Proc1 might be waiting for a message from Proc2 for the mass of Halo403, but it won't show up, because Proc2 is busy waiting for Proc3 to send Halo343. In principle though, the big issue is that the halos are one of the few places left in yt where we're not encouraging yt to behave as though data were acting in a *stream*. With .quantities[], projections, slices, all of that -- we ask the scripts to focus on data *not* persisting, and being parallelizable. With halos, we are asking people to try to keep the particles around. So I would very much like to precompute the vast majority of items, and return *lightweight*, *data-free* halos back to the scripts. I think that nearly all, if not all, operations that are done on halos can either be pre-computed or are rare enough that dumping data to disk and loading it later is viable.
I think it should be fairly straightforward to ensure that all halos objects on all tasks know all the key bits of info, but it's not clear to me how particle access would work.
I think we want to discourage particles access. In fact, I think we should discard particles from memory after the halos have been identified.
- Matt has also raised the idea of creating "callbacks" for halo finders. I don't understand this quite as well, but I think it means that it would be possible to write functions that would operate on the particles as the halo finder runs (or is finished finding halos but before it returns) to ensure good parallelism and speed. He has also mentioned that it would be possible for these callbacks to pull grid information from Python if that was needed for the analysis.
You've basically got the right idea. The idea is that you supply a series of quantities you want to measure, like you would a derived field, and these get called on each halo. So for instance: def center_of_mass(pf, particle_data): ... halos = HaloFinder(pf, ..., callbacks = [center_of_mass, ...]) Then you'd get it back out. Of course, we'd supply default ones. And this would also be a vehicle to writing out the particles to disk, as you could simply supply a particle output callback. In this way, we'd keep the particles *only as long as we need to*, and then discard them, but we'd still have full access.
What I don't quite understand here is where these callbacks would actually operate? In c for HOP, in cython for Rockstar, and Python for parallel HOP? Or would they happen between what the halo finder returns and building the halo lists?
They'd happen between the halo finder returning and building the lists, and I would say any callable could be supplied. Does this make sense? Mainly, I want to get rid of the over-generality that requires retaining a large amount of data, blows out our chance at scalability, and is probably barely used in a way that couldn't be done in the way we can support here. -Matt
I probably have more things to say and ask, but I think I'll let Matt come in.
-- Stephen Skory s@skory.us http://stephenskory.com/ 510.621.3687 (google voice) _______________________________________________ yt-dev mailing list yt-dev@lists.spacepope.org http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org

Hi Matt,
So something like this actually probably won't work at all:
halos = HaloFinder(pf) for halo in parallel_objects(halos): mass = halo.total_mass()
...because what's going on is that Proc1 might be waiting for a message from Proc2 for the mass of Halo403, but it won't show up, because Proc2 is busy waiting for Proc3 to send Halo343.
What I should have said in my first message in this thread is that I have been doing exactly this with halo objects for some time, but with halos I've loaded off disk (with LoadHaloes, for example). These halos, I think, are much closer to what Matt is envisioning, in that when you LoadHaloes() in parallel, all the tasks read in and are knowledgeable about all the halos. The halos are lightweight, in that they don't have particles attached to them, unless you ask for them.
I think we want to discourage particles access. In fact, I think we should discard particles from memory after the halos have been identified.
I disagree, but I think we are disagreeing about slightly different things. If our new halo objects were more like lightweight LoadedHaloes, I think particle access can be maintained by storing them on disk, which is how a LoadedHalo works now: particles are loaded on demand. Here's what I think is a good way to achieve your goals, Matt, without sacrificing functionality: - Run a halo finder and as part of the run call (or included callbacks) one may specify that particles should be saved to disk. I've written machinery that only needs particle IDs when reading data in, so all the other fields can be excluded from being written out, saving disk space. - As part of the halo finder run, finish by making lightweight, LoadedHalo-type halos, that don't have particles attached to them. The list is complete (information-wise and membership-wise) and identical across tasks. - If you want particles for some new analysis not covered in the callbacks, any task can pull them off disk independent of other tasks, functionally identical to what we have right now. What do you think?
halos = HaloFinder(pf, ..., callbacks = [center_of_mass, ...])
Does this make sense?
I think that this is feasible, if I'm understanding things correctly. Just to be clear, these are functions that would operate on the particles before they are thrown away from memory, and possibly also written to disk? If so, I think that this is a fine way of going ahead. Have a nice weekend! -- Stephen Skory s@skory.us http://stephenskory.com/ 510.621.3687 (google voice)

Hi Stephen, Sorry that this slipped through the cracks. On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Stephen Skory <s@skory.us> wrote:
Hi Matt,
So something like this actually probably won't work at all:
halos = HaloFinder(pf) for halo in parallel_objects(halos): mass = halo.total_mass()
...because what's going on is that Proc1 might be waiting for a message from Proc2 for the mass of Halo403, but it won't show up, because Proc2 is busy waiting for Proc3 to send Halo343.
What I should have said in my first message in this thread is that I have been doing exactly this with halo objects for some time, but with halos I've loaded off disk (with LoadHaloes, for example). These halos, I think, are much closer to what Matt is envisioning, in that when you LoadHaloes() in parallel, all the tasks read in and are knowledgeable about all the halos. The halos are lightweight, in that they don't have particles attached to them, unless you ask for them.
Yes, this is what I meant, and what I like. What I would like to transition to is thinking about LoadHaloes as the actual primary halo objects, and have them only have particles if explicitly asked for. In fact, I'd like to get rid of the distinction between loaded and non-loaded halos.
I think we want to discourage particles access. In fact, I think we should discard particles from memory after the halos have been identified.
I disagree, but I think we are disagreeing about slightly different things. If our new halo objects were more like lightweight LoadedHaloes, I think particle access can be maintained by storing them on disk, which is how a LoadedHalo works now: particles are loaded on demand. Here's what I think is a good way to achieve your goals, Matt, without sacrificing functionality:
Yes, that's precisely what I meant: as soon as the halo finder terminates and the particle catalogs are (optionally) written to disk, clear the memory.
- Run a halo finder and as part of the run call (or included callbacks) one may specify that particles should be saved to disk. I've written machinery that only needs particle IDs when reading data in, so all the other fields can be excluded from being written out, saving disk space.
- As part of the halo finder run, finish by making lightweight, LoadedHalo-type halos, that don't have particles attached to them. The list is complete (information-wise and membership-wise) and identical across tasks.
I'd prefer we simply join the two classes and get rid of the distinction, but I like this. And I think halos (since they are potentially heavyweight) should throw keyerrors if particle fields are queried without a load_particles call. This also helps with parallel decomp.
- If you want particles for some new analysis not covered in the callbacks, any task can pull them off disk independent of other tasks, functionally identical to what we have right now.
What do you think?
halos = HaloFinder(pf, ..., callbacks = [center_of_mass, ...])
Does this make sense?
I think that this is feasible, if I'm understanding things correctly. Just to be clear, these are functions that would operate on the particles before they are thrown away from memory, and possibly also written to disk? If so, I think that this is a fine way of going ahead.
Yup, that's right. Thanks for writing back! -Matt
Have a nice weekend!
-- Stephen Skory s@skory.us http://stephenskory.com/ 510.621.3687 (google voice) _______________________________________________ yt-dev mailing list yt-dev@lists.spacepope.org http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org

Hi Matt, to wrap up this thread, here's what I'm thinking. Once we get the Rockstar stuff settled, when I get a chance I'll start trying to convert things to the lightweight halo model. I think that that would be a good first step. I think that after that, we can try to get callbacks to work. How does that sound? -- Stephen Skory s@skory.us http://stephenskory.com/ 510.621.3687 (google voice)

Looking forward to testing it out when it's ready :-) From G.S. On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Stephen Skory <s@skory.us> wrote:
Hi Matt,
to wrap up this thread, here's what I'm thinking. Once we get the Rockstar stuff settled, when I get a chance I'll start trying to convert things to the lightweight halo model. I think that that would be a good first step. I think that after that, we can try to get callbacks to work. How does that sound?
-- Stephen Skory s@skory.us http://stephenskory.com/ 510.621.3687 (google voice) _______________________________________________ yt-dev mailing list yt-dev@lists.spacepope.org http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-dev-spacepope.org
participants (3)
Geoffrey So
Matthew Turk
Stephen Skory