Hey all,
I was hoping that someone might have a suggestion or answer for an
issue I'm having with generating simple radial profiles from
simulation data. The profiles automatically generate axis bounds and
while I can set the bounds on the x axis using the x_bounds parameter,
I don't know how, or if it's even possible, to set a similar
restriction for the y axis. (I have tried simply setting a y_bounds
parameter, but the script breaks stating that y_bounds is unrecognized).
Here is an example of the code:
from yt.mods import * # set up our namespace
for n in range(1,242):
pf = load("/work/01198/earln/RSW_nC_1-0/DD%04i/DD%04i" % (n,n))
pc = PlotCollection(pf, center=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
pc.add_profile_sphere(10.0, "mpc",
["Radius", "RadialVelocity"], weight="CellMassMsun",
x_bounds=(1.0e+18,1.0e+20), y_bounds=(1e-3, 1.e+8))
profiles/%s" % pf)
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated,
Nicholas Earl