Hi all,
I've spent a bit of time a few weeks ago, and more time just now, and I have been unsuccessful getting mpi4py to build on Kraken XT5. Has anyone been successful and can share their method? Matt said something about -target=catamount to me, which appears to be along the right track, but I think I must not have the right modules loaded.
sskory(a)physics.ucsd.edu o__ Stephen Skory
[View More] _.>/ _Graduate Student
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Hi everyone,
I just had two very quick questions for everyone:
1. Is anyone using the Enthought Python Distribution?
2. Is anyone using yt Covering Grids to obtain regions that aren't
coincident with grid boundaries? (i.e., that do not have left/right
edges on grid boundaries, or dx's that do not equal any grid dx)
Please feel free to reply off list -- anything quick ("yes, no") would
be just great.
Hi all,
I'd like to make some parallel projections for a sub-region. What is the appropriate way to do that? I've tried something like this, below, but it makes a projection for the whole box, not the sub-region. I've tried a few other ways, something like this <http://paste.enzotools.org/show/38/>, but it works in only serial but not in parallel, where it crashes, like this <http://paste.enzotools.org/show/39/> (that's abbreviated output).
i = 1
pc = PlotCollection(pf.h.region([0.…
[View More]5]*3,[i*.1,0.,0.],[i*.1 + .1,1.,1.]),center=[0.5]*3)
pc.add_projection("Density", 0)
pc.save("slice-0.%d" % i)
sskory(a)physics.ucsd.edu o__ Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student
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Hi all,
I'd like to make some parallel projections for a sub-region. What is the appropriate way to do that? I've tried
something like this, below, but it makes a projection for the whole
box, not the sub-region. I've tried a few other ways, something like
this <http://paste.enzotools.org/show/38/>, but it works in only serial but not in parallel, where it crashes, like this <http://paste.enzotools.org/show/39/> (that's abbreviated output).
i = 1
pc = PlotCollection(pf.h.region([0.…
[View More]5]*3,[i*.1,0.,0.],[i*.1 + .1,1.,1.]),center=[0.5]*3)
pc.add_projection("Density", 0)
pc.save("slice-0.%d" % i)
sskory(a)physics.ucsd.edu o__ Stephen Skory
http://physics.ucsd.edu/~sskory/ _.>/ _Graduate Student
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