Hi yt user,
Previously, I asked basic question how I can access raw data using yt.
At that time, I confirm that the following script print the x, y,
z,vx, vy, vz, and mass for all finest cells in the spherical region
from yt.mods import *
pf = load("../DD%04d/DD%04d" % (snapshot,snapshot))
center = pf.h.find_max("Density")[1]
sp = pf.h.sphere(center, (rmax,'pc'))
for icell in range(0,sp["CellMassMsun"].size):
print sp["x"][icell], sp["y"][icell], sp["z"][icell]
print sp["x-velocity"][icell], sp["y-velocity"][icell],
print sp["CellMassMsun"][icell]
However, is there any way to access the coarse raw data?
For example, the highest resolution of my simulation is say N_amr=10.
But, I would like to access the data only up to N_amr=5 (from top grid
to N_amr=5 grid).
In this case, the grid information N_amr=6 to 10 is represented by its
parent grid data.
Is it possible?
If so, how can I access these coarse data?
Thank you in advance,