I'm starting to do some volume rendering of my 800 cube simulation, but the job in the super computer just dies without any kind of error in the logs. The last few lines are:
yt : [INFO ] 2012-04-15 16:15:22,264 Warning: no_ghost is currently True (default). This may lead to artifacts at grid boundaries.
yt : [INFO ] 2012-04-15 16:15:33,307 Max Value is 2.46548e-24 at 0.9743750000000000 0.0193750000000000 0.1781250000000000 in grid EnzoGrid_0442 at level 0 (79, 15, 42)
yt : [INFO ] 2012-04-15 16:15:33,309 Warning: no_ghost is currently True (default). This may lead to artifacts at grid boundaries.
yt : [INFO ] 2012-04-15 16:15:47,133 Max Value is 2.46548e-24 at 0.9743750000000000 0.0193750000000000 0.1781250000000000 in grid EnzoGrid_0442 at level 0 (79, 15, 42)
yt : [INFO ] 2012-04-15 16:15:47,135 Warning: no_ghost is currently True (default). This may lead to artifacts at grid boundaries.
yt : [INFO ] 2012-04-15 16:15:49,839 Max Value is 2.46548e-24 at 0.9743750000000000 0.0193750000000000 0.1781250000000000 in grid EnzoGrid_0442 at level 0 (79, 15, 42)
yt : [INFO ] 2012-04-15 16:15:49,841 Warning: no_ghost is currently True (default). This may lead to artifacts at grid boundaries.
I'm wondering if it is again an memory issue. I ran this job with 16 nodes with 16 cores per node and 4GB per core. This setup is enough memory to do the halo finding, I'm wondering what the memory requirements is for volume rendering, and what's the biggest volume people have done up to date?
If this isn't a problem people have with rendering larger volumes than mine, then it might be a machine issue. I haven't moved the data to another super computer, but will try that next if others have done larger volume rendering with no problems at all.