I hope some of you may be interested in this.....



February 22-23 2011

Mcleod Auditorium, Medical Sciences Building

University of Toronto

Free Registration



Science Illustrated is a two day symposium dedicated to helping early-career scientists (graduate students and post-doctoral fellows) of all disciplines visualize their science better. The goal of the symposium is to help scientists create better visualizations to do better research, as well as to communicate their findings to their peers and public. Attendees will leave the symposium with a practical sense of how to better visualize their data immediately.


Sessions include:


* A keynote on creating compelling scientific visualizations from Thomas Lucas, Director/Producer of National Geographic's “Monster Black Holes” and NOVA's “Hunt for the Supertwister”


* Find out about why 3D Visualization matters with Paul Salvini (Chief Technology Officer, Side Effects Software)


* How to visualize your data in non-traditional ways to do better science with Christopher Collins (Assistant Professor, UoIT)


* Overview sessions on moving past the most elementary visualizations and large dataset visualization


* Deconstruction sessions of specific visualizations: Taking a compelling visualization, and breaking down how the scientist constructed it step-by-step


* Basic Design Bootcamp for Scientists: What do scientists need to know about graphic design?


* A Panel Discussion on how scientific visualization helps engage the public including Jay Ingram (Host of Daily Planet, Discovery Channel), Peter Calamai (Former National Science Reporter, Toronto Star), and Reni Barlow (Executive Director of Youth Science Canada)


For speaker information and registration, please visit: http://www.scienceillustrated.ca/


Science Illustrated is supported by:

The SciNet Consortium

The Knowledge Media Design Institute

The Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Dean's Student Initiative Fund, Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto

Elizabeth Harper-Clark MA MSci
PhD Candidate, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, UofT
Sciences and Engineering Coordinator, Teaching Assistants' Training Program, UofT

Astronomy office phone: +1-416-978-5759