Hi Jason,

If you take a look at the validator in the clump finder that is using the cython `gravitational_binding_energy` function, you'll see that there is already an option to use particles in the gravitational binding energy calculation. See the `_gravitationally_bound` function in `yt/analysis_modules/level_sets/clump_validators.py`.

When you create your master clump, all you need to do is set `use_particles=True` when you add the `gravitationally_bound` validator to the master clump. In fact, the example in the yt docs does this:


Hope that helps, let us know if you need any additional advice.


On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 1:50 PM, Jason Galyardt <jason.galyardt@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to use the yt clump finder to identify gravitationally bound clumps. However, my FLASH simulation includes both gas (on the mesh) and massive particles. I would like to use both of these gravitational sources in the determination of boundedness, but it's not clear to me that the current implementation of gravitational_binding_energy() in yt/utilities/lib/misc_utilities.pyx does this. I suspect that it would be relatively straightforward to add the ('deposit', 'io_mass') field to the gravitational_binding_energy() function, but I'm not entirely sure how to access this field in a safe manner in Cython.

Has anyone already solved this problem?


Jason Galyardt
University of Georgia

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