Apologies, I should have double-checked that my instructions would work in a fresh clone of yt.

I'm pretty sure this will work correctly:

    $ git fetch https://github.com/ngoldbaum/yt enzo-fof-fix:enzo-fof-fix
    $ git checkout enzo-fof-fix


On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 6:14 AM <lianxiaoli87@sjtu.edu.cn> wrote:
I reinstall my yt in your method, all the steps can work well except the one "git checkout enzo-fof-fix".
And the error message is -- error: pathspec 'enzo-fof-fix' did not match any file(s) known to git.
Then I just change this command like"git checkout .", and all the install can be finished.
But I receive the same error as before when running my script.
I have no ideal what's wrong with your method.
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