Hi all,

Just as a quick update, I tried to change to using

plot = PhasePlot(tracerp25,"Density","z-velocity",["CellMassSolar"],weight=None)

and got an error:  name 'PhasePlot' is not defined.



On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:47 PM, Stephanie Tonnesen <stonnes@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to make my phase plots smaller so they can fit more nicely into a paper.  Alternatively, I would be fine with upping the font size so when I shrink them you can read the axes.  I found advise on how to do this for slices, but not for phase_objects. 

pc = PlotCollection(pf)

tracerp25 = alld.cut_region(["grid['specific_scalar[0]'] > 0.5", "grid['z'] < 0.192","grid['z'] > -0.192","grid['cyl_RCode'] < 1.2"])
pc.add_phase_object(tracerp25,["Density","z-velocity","CellMassSolar"],weight=None,x_bins=50,y_bins=50,y_bounds = [-4e7,8e7],x_bounds=[5e-28,5e-23],x_log=True,y_log=False)

Any help is much appreciated!

