Hello, I was trying to get the position and mass information for the dark matter (and stellar) particles in an Enzo simulation. I have tried a couple of different ways and I was curious about the units on the following method. In this case I am presumably accessing the dark matter particles (particle_type = 1) *from yt.mods import ** *pf = load("DD0252/DD0252")* *array = pf.h.find_particles_by_type(ptype=1, max_num=3)* *print "(%.5f, %.5f, %.5f) = %f\n" %(array['particle_position_x'][0], array['particle_position_y'][0], array['particle_position_z'][0], array['particle_mass'][0])* This returns *(0.01055, 0.01873, 0.00224) = 0.835448. *What are the mass units on the *0.835448*? I don't think that they are cgs, and there doesn't appear to be a conversion factor available via pf[' * ']. If I continue and enter *print pf.field_info['Density'].get_units()* *print pf.field_info['particle_mass'].get_units()* * * The 'Density' line returns *\rm{g}/\rm{cm}^3, *but the 'particle_mass' line returns nothing. So I can't get the units from here. I can, however, access the same particle (or at least a particle at the same location) by using *from yt.mods import ** *pf = load("DD0252/DD0252")* *dd = pf.h.all_data()* *print "(%f %f %f) = %f Msun, ptype= %i\n"%(dd["particle_position_x"][0], dd["particle_pos ition_y"][0], dd["particle_position_z"][0], dd["ParticleMassMsun"][0],dd["particle_type"][0])* Which returns *(0.010554 0.018727 0.002239) = 82255596.670652 Msun, ptype= 1* This seems to give reasonable values. Both methods should be equivalent ways of to access the particle (both stellar and dark matter) data, correct? So how do I get my units in solar masses when using * pf.h.find_particles_by_type()*? Thanks for your time! ~ali