Hi All, I want to define a sphere with a center that sits on one face of my domain, [0., 0.5, 0.5] in unitary coordinates. However, the boundary conditions in this case are not periodic, and so I don't want periodicity. I did some preliminary testing, and it appears that periodicity is being enforced--if I make a sphere of radius 0.25 and set it at [0., 0.5,0.5] it returns the same number of cells as when it is at [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]--which is completely enclosed within the domain. I would expect the sphere to have half as many cells in the former case if periodicity is not being enforced, as only one hemisphere is in the domain then. I should point out that this is a non-AMR simulation. I perused the source, but I didn't see anything that obviously turned off (or on!) periodicity. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. thanks, JS