Hi, The error with p.modify["point"] seems to have reappeared with the latest version of yt. It complains when you set the width, or save, but the problem only occurs when marker["point"] is being used. Elizabeth home/tasker/yt_new/src/yt-hg/scripts/iyt in <module>() 261 p.modify["particles"](5e4, p_size=5, col='k', ptype=12) 262 --> 263 p.set_width(width, 'pc') 264 265 #pc.save(fn) /home/tasker/yt_new/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_types.pyc in set_width(self, width, unit) 456 unit = self.data.pf[str(unit)] 457 self.width = width / unit --> 458 self._refresh_display_width() 459 460 def _refresh_display_width(self, width=None): /home/tasker/yt_new/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_types.pyc in _refresh_display_width(self, width) 474 self.set_xlim(max(l_edge_x,self.xmin), min(r_edge_x,self.xmax)) 475 self.set_ylim(max(l_edge_y,self.ymin), min(r_edge_y,self.ymax)) --> 476 self._redraw_image() 477 478 def autoscale(self): /home/tasker/yt_new/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_types.pyc in _redraw_image(self, *args) 421 self.norm.autoscale(np.array((newmin,newmax), dtype='float64')) 422 self._reset_image_parameters() --> 423 self._run_callbacks() 424 425 def _reset_image_parameters(self): /home/tasker/yt_new/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_types.pyc in _run_callbacks(self) 261 self._axes.texts = [] 262 for cb in self._callbacks: --> 263 cb(self) 264 265 def set_label(self, label): /home/tasker/yt_new/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.pyc in __call__(self, plot) 754 755 width,height = plot.image._A.shape --> 756 x,y = self.convert_to_plot(plot, self.pos) 757 x,y = x/width,y/height 758 /home/tasker/yt_new/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.pyc in convert_to_plot(self, plot, coord, offset) 75 (coord[1]-y0)/(y1-y0)*(yy1-yy0) + yy0) 76 else: ---> 77 return ((coord[0][:]-x0)/(x1-x0)*(xx1-xx0) + xx0, 78 (coord[1][:]-y0)/(y1-y0)*(yy1-yy0) + yy0) 79 TypeError: 'float' object is On Jul 9, 2012, at 7:53 PM, Elizabeth Tasker <tasker@astro1.sci.hokudai.ac.jp> wrote:
Hi Matt,
Thanks! That fixed it.
On Jul 9, 2012, at 8:48 AM, Matthew Turk wrote:
Hi Elizabeth,
Okay, that helps -- I've pushed a fix. Hash dab58ec7b5e2.
On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Elizabeth Tasker <tasker@astro1.sci.hokudai.ac.jp> wrote:
This is the full error spiel. If I comment out the point line, then it's fine.
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) /home/tasker/yt/src/yt-hg/scripts/iyt in <module>() ----> 1 execfile("cloud_tracking.py")
/home/tasker/yt/src/yt-hg/scripts/iyt in <module>() 224 225 --> 226 pc.save("%s_tracking" % (fn)) 227 228
/home/tasker/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_collection.pyc in save(self, basename, format, override, force_save) 186 for plot in self.plots: 187 fn.append(plot.save_image(basename, format=format, --> 188 override=override, force_save=force_save)) 189 mylog.info("Saved %s", fn[-1]) 190 if ytcfg.getboolean("yt", "__withinreason"):
/home/tasker/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_types.pyc in save_image(self, prefix, format, override, force_save, figure_canvas) 107 prefix. 108 """ --> 109 self._redraw_image() 110 if not override: 111 self._generate_prefix(prefix)
/home/tasker/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_types.pyc in _redraw_image(self, *args) 421 self.norm.autoscale(na.array((newmin,newmax), dtype='float64')) 422 self._reset_image_parameters() --> 423 self._run_callbacks() 424 425 def _reset_image_parameters(self):
/home/tasker/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_types.pyc in _run_callbacks(self) 261 self._axes.texts = [] 262 for cb in self._callbacks: --> 263 cb(self) 264 265 def set_label(self, label):
/home/tasker/yt/src/yt-hg/yt/visualization/plot_modifications.pyc in __call__(self, plot) 640 def __call__(self, plot): 641 x,y = self.convert_to_pixels(plot, self.pos) --> 642 plot._axes.text(x, y, self.text, **self.text_args) 643 644 class MarkerAnnotateCallback(PlotCallback):
TypeError: text() argument after ** must be a mapping, not NoneType
On Jul 9, 2012, at 8:04 AM, Elizabeth Tasker wrote:
Hi Matt,
No, the marker works fine. By itself, it is no problem.
On 2012-07-09, at 2:25 AM, Matthew Turk wrote:
Hi Elizabeth,
It looks like the error might be in marker (But it's tough to tell from the one error) so maybe try:
p.modify["marker"](t1clouds[c]['position'], plot_args = dict(marker = 'o')
On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 12:04 PM, Elizabeth Tasker <tasker@astro1.sci.hokudai.ac.jp> wrote:
I'm trying to add text to a particular point in my slice. I've got:
position = na.array([20.2, 13.8, 16.0]) pc = PlotCollection(pf, center=position) p = pc.add_projection("Density", 2) p.set_width(2, 'kpc') for c in range(len(t1clouds)): r = abs(t1clouds[c]['position']-position) if r[0] < 1.0 and r[1] < 1.0: p.modify["point"](t1clouds[c]['position'], str(t1clouds[c]['track'])) p.modify["marker"](t1clouds[c]['position'], marker='o')
pc.save("%s_tracking" % (fn))
But python complains with:
TypeError: text() argument after ** must be a mapping, not NoneType
Did I call the modifier incorrectly?
Elizabeth _______________________________________________ yt-users mailing list yt-users@lists.spacepope.org http://lists.spacepope.org/listinfo.cgi/yt-users-spacepope.org
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