Hi Sam, Okay, that's interesting. I am without Internet for a bit, but I have just run on 3.0 with all of the ramses data I have on my laptop without any trouble. My script is similar to yours, except with "c" instead of [. 5,.5,.5]. I am running on a minor modification of 6fb278bef80f. Which changeset hash are you on? I'm somewhat worried this will be tricky to debug. Any chance you can also check which fields are in the data file? One sticking point with ramses that I do not yet have a solution for is that the fields must be specified, not guessed, and this is not cleanly implemented yet. Matt On Dec 18, 2012 11:30 AM, "Sam Leitner" <sam.leitner@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Matt, Sure, by making the plot "by hand" do you mean something other than: slc = SlicePlot(pf, 'x', "Density", center=[0.5,0.5,0.5]) slc.save('ramses') ? In that case, I get the same error (sorry -- the "useful" knowledge of yt I've accumulated is still very limited). Sam
On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Matthew Turk <matthewturk@gmail.com>wrote:
Hi Sam,
Could you have a try at making the plot and specifying the center by hand?
Matt On Dec 18, 2012 9:57 AM, "Sam Leitner" <sam.leitner@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi yt-users,
I'm compiling from the tip of yt-3.0 where plot seems to be broken for Ramses...
yt plot tests/output_00001/info_00001.txttests/output_00001/amr_00001.out00001 yt : [WARNING ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,365 No current mechanism of distinguishing cosmological simulations in RAMSES! yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,366 Parameters: current_time = 0.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,366 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [64 64 64] yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,366 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [ 0. 0. 0.] yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,366 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [ 1. 1. 1.] yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,366 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 1 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,367 Parameters: current_redshift = 0.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,367 Parameters: omega_lambda = 0.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,367 Parameters: omega_matter = 1.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,367 Parameters: hubble_constant = 1.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:10,367 Adding plot for axis 0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:11,597 xlim = 0.000000 1.000000 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:11,597 ylim = 0.000000 1.000000 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:27:11,597 Making a fixed resolution buffer of (('gas', 'Density')) 800 by 800 python2.7(2499,0x7fff710f6180) malloc: *** error for object 0x102f20608: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed. *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug Abort trap: 6
and for projection:
yt plot -m tests/output_00001/info_00001.txt tests/output_00001/amr_00001.out00001 yt : [WARNING ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,412 No current mechanism of distinguishing cosmological simulations in RAMSES! yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,412 Parameters: current_time = 0.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,412 Parameters: domain_dimensions = [64 64 64] yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,413 Parameters: domain_left_edge = [ 0. 0. 0.] yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,413 Parameters: domain_right_edge = [ 1. 1. 1.] yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,413 Parameters: cosmological_simulation = 1 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,413 Parameters: current_redshift = 0.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,413 Parameters: omega_lambda = 0.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,413 Parameters: omega_matter = 1.0 yt : [INFO ] 2012-12-18 10:48:46,413 Parameters: hubble_constant = 1.0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/sleitner/repos/yt-3.0-run/yt-x86_64/bin/yt", line 9, in <module> load_entry_point('yt==3.0dev', 'console_scripts', 'yt')() File "/Users/sleitner/repos/yt-3.0-artio/yt/utilities/command_line.py", line 1578, in run_main args.func(args) File "/Users/sleitner/repos/yt-3.0-artio/yt/utilities/command_line.py", line 97, in run self(args) File "/Users/sleitner/repos/yt-3.0-artio/yt/utilities/command_line.py", line 1250, in __call__ v, center = pf.h.find_max("Density") AttributeError: 'RAMSESGeometryHandler' object has no attribute 'find_max'
Thanks for your help! Sam Leitner
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