
I would like to get the value of the timestep from my FLASH data read in by yt.  In HDFView I can see the value of 'dt' under 'real scalars'.  Using yt to read in the data, though I don't see any way to access it, if it is contained in the ds.  The field list just shows the grid variables. I can get the absolute time via ds.current_time. There are a number of different items at the top level in HDFView, e.g. bflags, block size, sim info, that are not available, as far as I can tell, from the ds object. Am I missing something?  Is there any way to get yt to read in specific variables like dr (under "real scalars")?


Jonathan D. Slavin                 Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
jslavin@cfa.harvard.edu       60 Garden Street, MS 83
phone: (617) 496-7981       Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
cell: (781) 363-0035             USA