May 4, 2019
10:12 a.m.
Hello, I have two question: 1. I am trying to get radial profiles for my halos and trying to use the following instructions: https://yt-project.org/doc/cookbook/halo_analysis_example.html#halo-analysis... I am directly copy-pasting the code but once I try to create the catalog with hc.create() it gives me error, saying: "bins must be monotonically increasing or decreasing". I do not understand what can be the problem, since as I can see from the output it creates the catalog object for many halos but at some point it gives the error. 2. I wonder if yt features can be used for hdf5 file (output from ENZO, written in hdf5)? I.e if I can analyze hdf5 data with yt. Thanks, Salome