Currently, the hdf5 operations for object serialization in yt are handled by
pytables. However, pytables is not the only python hdf5 module out
there. For my own non-yt code, I have been using h5py (
For simple hdf5 i/o, I find h5py to be far more intuitive and flexible
than pytables. If you want to do hdf5 in python, I strongly recommend
h5py over pytables. It's for these reasons that we're moving yt from
using pytables as a data-serialization backend to using h5py.
from casual use, h5py offers additional benefits over pytables that are
relevant to yt. h5py is faster and relies on fewer python object than
pytables. h5py works better with yt in parallel and its design is
generally better suited to yt. Switching dependencies is something we
want to do as little as possible, but it seems worth it in this case
and will most likely continue to pay off as yt grows. This evening, we
will be committing the switch from pytables to h5py dependency to the
yt trunk. We have altered the install script accordingly so rerunning
that will do everything that is needed.
h5py can also be easily installed on it own. Set the following environment variables:
HDF5_DIR=path to hdf5
Then do: sudo easy_install h5py
(You may not need to use sudo, depending on where easy_install is installed.)
None of the
yt function calls have changed. Only the internal calls to tables
functionality have been replaced with h5py calls. Additionally, it
should be noted that this does not affect any of the dataset i/o as
this is handled by Matt's specially built hdf5 reader. So far, we have
tested this on various machines and it seems to be working. If anyone
encounters any problems that may be related to this or has any problems
installing h5py, please contact us as soon as possible.
Britton Smith