Okay, I *think* I got it sorted out. Here's my solution (for future use if deemed correct!)

plot = glob.glob("./SinkMomTest/*plt_cnt_000?")
part = glob.glob("./SinkMomTest/*part_000?")
#print plot       # Testing

# Make a list of variables you are collecting to plot/store as
# dictionaries.

my_storage = {}

# Now the parallel loop.

i = 0

for sto,p in yt.parallel_objects(plot, num_procs, storage = my_storage):

    ds = yt.load(plot[i], particle_filename=part[i])  
    dd = ds.all_data()
    if (yt.is_root()):
        print "Yo I'm root!"
    if (~yt.is_root()):
        print "Not root!"
    momx                             = dd["total_px"]
    momy                             = dd["total_py"]
    partmomx             = dd["total_part_px"]
    partmomy             = dd["total_part_py"]
    sto.result_id = p[-4:]
    sto.result    = [momx,momy,partmomx,partmomy]
print "Done!"

if yt.is_root():

                my_storage = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(my_storage.items()))
                print my_storage

Thanks again for the help,


On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 6:33 PM Joshua Wall <joshua.e.wall@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Britton,

I tried something like that, but clearly I'm not doing it correctly. I'm noticing two errors, 1) everything is reporting running on the root proc (with a "Yo I'm root!") and 2) I'm getting four copies of my_storage back. Here's the code:


from matplotlib import rc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yt
from yt import derived_field
import numpy as np
import yt.units as u
import glob

# Use YT in parallel.

# Number of procs on the machine

@derived_field(name = "total_KE", units = "erg")
def _KE(field, data):
    return np.sum(data["kinetic_energy"].in_mks()*data["cell_volume"].in_cgs())

@derived_field(name = "total_PE", units = "erg")
def _PE(field, data):
    return 0.5*np.sum(data["gpot"].in_mks()*data["cell_mass"].in_cgs())

@derived_field(name = "total_Eint", units = "erg")
def _Eint(field, data):
    return np.sum(data["eint"]*data["cell_mass"]).in_cgs()

@derived_field(name = "total_energy", units = "erg")
def _Etotal(field, data):
    return data["total_Eint"] + data["total_PE"] + data["total_KE"]

@derived_field(name = "total_px", units = "g*cm/s")
def _px(field, data):
    return np.sum(data["cell_mass"]*data["velx"]).in_cgs()

# Use glob to gather up the data files. Note here we use plt
# and particle files because they are much smaller than
# checkpoint files.

plot = glob.glob("./SinkMomTest/*plt_cnt_000?")
part = glob.glob("./SinkMomTest/*part_000?")

# Make a list of variables you are collecting to plot/store as
# dictionaries.
my_storage = {}

# Now the parallel loop.

i = 0

for sto,p in yt.parallel_objects(plot, num_procs, storage = my_storage):

    ds = yt.load(plot[i], particle_filename=part[i])
    dd = ds.all_data()
    if (yt.is_root()):
        print "Yo I'm root!"
        print "Not root!"

    energy = dd["total_energy"]
    mom    = dd["total_px"]
    sto.result_id = p[-4:]
    sto.result = [energy, mom]
print "Done!"

print my_storage


Is this what you mean?



On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 12:19 PM Britton Smith <brittonsmith@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Josh,

The reason that's not working is that there is still only one storage item (the sto variable) per iteration of the loop.  You could keep both things if you make sto.result a list object and just append each of those things to that list.


On Sun, May 24, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Joshua Wall <joshua.e.wall@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear users,

     This there a simple way to store multiple values at each step using parallel_objects? I'm doing:

num_procs = 4
plot = glob.glob(./plot*)
my_storage = {}

for sto, p in yt.parallel_objects(plots, num_procs, my_storage):

  sto.result_id = 'energy' + p
  sto.resutl     = dd["total_energy"]

  sto.result_id = 'Px' + p
  sto.result     = dd["total_mom_x"]


which is just overwriting my energy with the momentum. I also tried to just set to different dictionaries without passing it to yt.parallel_objects as storage, but of course each proc as only a local copy then.



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