Hi folks,

I'm using Enzo on Blue Waters, and to get it working I needed to install anaconda and then install yt-3 from source (i.e., by 'hg clone https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt' and then 'python setup.py develop').  

This does not install rockstar by default, unfortunately, and I am having trouble getting rockstar working (although yt itself works great).  I've tried to essentially mimic the rockstar portion of the install script for yt-3 (https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/raw/yt/doc/install_script.sh) by doing the following:

> hg clone http://bitbucket.org/MatthewTurk/rockstar
> hg pull
> hg up -C tip
> make lib
> cp librockstar.so  ~/local_lib/lib/.

and then pointing to ~/local_lib/lib with LD_LIBRARY_PATH (using the full path, not the '~/' convention).  However, even when I do this I still can't seem to persuade the rockstar interface code in yt to find rockstar.  Attempting to import rockstar in a script by:

from yt.analysis_modules.halo_finding.rockstar.api import RockstarHaloFinder

results in this error:

ImportError    : from .rockstar import RockstarHaloFinder
cannot import name rockstar_interface

and the script immediately exits.  When I look at the directory yt/analysis_modules/halo_finding/rockstar in a version of yt that has been installed from a script, there are some additional .so files (rockstar_groupies.so and rockstar_interface.so) that aren't in my source install, even when I've run 'python setup.py develop' in that directory.

I feel like I'm doing something obviously wrong here.  Any suggestions?

