I think this is happening because Kacper only made conda builds for python3.5, not python3.6. I *think* it will work if you downgrade python to python3.5, and set up your python environment once again.We should probably set up a conda-forge package for glfw and cyglfw3 so we can automatically take care of these package updates.-NathanOn Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 4:05 PM, E.M. Dragowsky <dragowsky@case.edu> wrote:Thanks, Kacper & Nathan --UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- cyglfw3 -> python 3.5* -> openssl 1.0.1*
- cyglfw3 -> python 3.5* -> xz 5.0.5
- python 3.6*
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.'conda info cyglfw3' finds the package missing from linux-64 channels.From the unsatisfiable error, i don't really understand the best course of action. It would seem at this point that cyglfw3 has bindings for python3.5, but not yet for python3.6 -- is that the upshot?I don't know what's required to generate the updated bindings. The 'yt' install was done using this same procedure:conda install -c http://use.yt/with-conda ytThe versions are openssl is 1.0.2, and xz 5.2.2-1Thanks,~ E.mOn Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Kacper Kowalik <xarthisius.kk@gmail.com> wrote:On 04/20/2017 01:18 PM, E.M. Dragowsky wrote:
> Is glfw still available/recommended as cyglfw3? I've tried to apply the
> following, but 'cyglfw3' package is not found. I also searched through
> anaconda client, and do find the pypi package.
> conda install -c http://use.yt/with_conda/ cyglfw3 pyopengl
I uploaded the missing packages. Please try again.
> I did find the following from 'anaconda search glfw':
> auto/pyglfw | 0.1.0 | conda | linux-64
> :
> https://bitbucket.org/pyglfw/pyglfw
> iandh/glfw | 3.1.2 | conda | linux-64
> insertinterestingnamehere/glfw | 3.1.2 | conda | linux-64
> menpo/glfw3 | 3.2.1 | conda | linux-64,
> win-32, win-64, linux-32, osx-64
> pypi/cyglfw3 | 0.0.5 | pypi |
> : Python bindings for GLFW 3+
> using Cython
> pypi/glfw | 1.1.0 | pypi |
> : A ctypes-based wrapper for
> GLFW3.
> pypi/pyglfw | 0.2.2 | pypi |
> : Python bindings for the GLFW
> library
> Should I just obtain cyglfw3 through pypi? I liked the idea of
> maintaining an 'isolated' install through conda, as I'm trying to set up
> under my user account in our university cluster.
> Thanks!
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 4:24 PM, Nathan Goldbaum <nathan12343@gmail.com
> <mailto:nathan12343@gmail.com>> wrote: > <http://yt-project.org/docs/d
> If you'd be interested in experimenting with the OpenGL volume
> rendering, take a look at these doc pages:
> http://yt-project.org/docs/dev/visualizing/interactive_data _visualization.html
ev/visualizing/interactive_dat >a_visualization.html
> http://yt-project.org/docs/dev/cookbook/complex_plots.html# cookbook-opengl-vr
> <http://yt-project.org/docs/dev/cookbook/complex_plots.html >#cookbook-opengl-vr
> In addition, the place in the codebase to look to see how this is
> implemented is e.g. here:
> https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/src/416bc87fd064d8cd5d 64a98922c00c1cc71a0f7d/yt/visu alization/volume_rendering/ interactive_vr.py
> <https://bitbucket.org/yt_analysis/yt/src/416bc87fd064d8cd5 >d64a98922c00c1cc71a0f7d/yt/vis ualization/volume_rendering/ interactive_vr.py
> It makes use of cyglfw, a cython wrapper for the GLFW OpenGL
> library. If you're familiar with OpenGL that will help.
> -Nathan
> On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 3:20 PM, E.M. Dragowsky <dragowsky@case.edu
> <mailto:dragowsky@case.edu>> wrote:
> Hi, Matt -- Thanks for offering this assessment of the current
> state, including the notion that my interest aligns with future
> plans.
> To aid in my report back to my sponsors, perhaps I can extend
> this conversation to determine if there's anything I can
> contribute to this development effort? I've described myself as
> a "researcher who can code", definitely not to be confused with
> a practiced developer, and yet...these topics of volume
> rendering and coordinated views have become really interesting
> to me.
> Please let me know,
> ~ Em
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Matthew Turk* <matthewturk@gmail.com
> <mailto:matthewturk@gmail.com>> > <yt-users@lists.spacepope.org <mailto:yt-users@lists.spacepo
> Date: Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 2:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [yt-users] Real-time histogram presentation based
> on interactive volume rendered camera properties
> To: Discussion of the yt analysis package
pe.org >>
> Hi Em,
> Thanks for writing. Right now, this isn't possible; I had
> delayed on writing back because I was experimenting with ways of
> augmenting the existing OpenGL VR to do this, but I ended up not
> coming up with anything in time. I absolutely think this is
> where we would like to go with our interactive VR, but I don't
> have a timetable for it right now.
> -Matt
> On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 9:54 AM, E.M. Dragowsky
> <dragowsky@case.edu <mailto:dragowsky@case.edu>> wrote:
> Greetings --
> Please forgive the subject line -- it makes sense to me;
> hopefully after reading the note it will make sense to me+1
> or more....
> Just last week I became aware of yt, and so this is a
> question about capabilities:
> I'm working on a project to aid a researcher with
> visualizing derived data products (a set of ~5000
> histograms) along with volume rendering of simulations
> performed with Flash (flash.uchicago.edu
> <http://flash.uchicago.edu/>). This would involve
> manipulation of the rendered volume data (e.g. temp, density
> data fields) and coordinated presentation in an inset or
> separate window from the set of histograms. The active
> camera view angles from the rendered volume display would be
> used to select from the histogram set (in this case indexed
> by 51 polar angle bins and 101 azimuthal angle bins). The
> key is for the histogram selection to take place as the
> rendered display is being updated through user interaction
> -- so as the view is rotated, the histogram updates without
> having to stop the user actions.
> Right now, these histograms are created at the end of the
> simulation. One could imagine a more general case in which
> the histogram were derived from the volumetric data in real
> time.
> Is this a task suited to the current state of yt development?
> Best regards,
> ~ Em
> --
> ---------------------------------- > (216) 368-0082 <tel:(216)%20368-0082>
> E.M. Dragowsky, Ph.D.
> Research Computing -- UTech
> Case Western Reserve University
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> --
> ---------------------------------- > (216) 368-0082 <tel:(216)%20368-0082>
> E.M. Dragowsky, Ph.D.
> Research Computing -- UTech
> Case Western Reserve University
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> --
> ---------------------------------- > (216) 368-0082 <tel:(216)%20368-0082>
> E.M. Dragowsky, Ph.D.
> Research Computing -- UTech
> Case Western Reserve University
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------------------------------------ E.M. Dragowsky, Ph.D.Research Computing -- UTechCase Western Reserve University
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