Hi Renyue,
I have actually seen this on one other system but I could never reproduce it. Could you tell me the version of yt you are using? If you run "yt instinfo" it should tell you. I haven't seen this bug for the last few months so I thought it was gone.
Additionally, can you try the following at the end of your script:
write_bitmap(im, 'test2.png', transpose=False)
I think there may have been something wrong with the transposing of the image for a short time period a few months ago. I have very sporadic and unreliable internet at AAS but I'll try to respond as quickly as possible.
Sorry for the trouble,
On Jan 7, 2013 10:11 AM, "Renyue Cen" <cen@astro.princeton.edu> wrote:Hi,I did some simple volume rendering with the following script:volume2 = AMRKDTree(pf, fields=["Dark_Matter_Density"],no_ghost=False, tree_type="domain",le=c-0.5*WW, re=c+0.5*WW)cam = pf.h.camera(c, L, W, N, tf, volume=volume2, no_ghost=False,north_vector=L, steady_north=True)cam.snapshot(fn="%s_iso-DMdensity-%3.3d.png" % (filenameTHIS, j))I got rather strange results in that the pictures look symmetric, which I am prettysure can not be true.I attach the obtained plot.Note that I am using KD tree and using 32 cores.Your help at your earliest convenience is appreciated.Best,Renyue<C15z1600.0043_iso-DMdensity-000.png>