Hello! I'm a grad student working with gadget, and someone told me today about version 3, which supports gadget! I have never used yt before, as it has never supported sph before, so if this is a really stupid question, please forgive me. I followed the bootcamp examples just fine, and then tried to load in a gadget snapshot (obtained from the sample datasets portion of yt's website) by doing yt.load("snapshot_010"). I got the following error: yt.utilities.exceptions.YTOutputNotIdentified: Supplied ('snapshot_010',) {}, but could not load! Then I tried yt.load("snapshot_010", "gadget_binary"), but got the same error. Clearly, I am misunderstanding something very important here. I looked at the source and saw the GadgetBinaryFile class, so I know it can be done, I just can't figure out how. Very sorry for the bother. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much! -Jared