
Here is the data and simple script to make a scatter or profile plot of my simulation output,

This is a spherically symmetric (cartesian [-0.5,0.5]^3, 32cells^3) hydro simulation with initial conditions 
density = 1.0 if radius <= 1/3;
density falls off as 1/r^2 if r > 1/3; 
velocity is everywhere 0

The output with these ICs is WP12.0000.vtk.  When I run my script the first time using iyt I get the first image with the expected ICs.  Running it again gives the second image and I don't know why.  I'm hoping those other points don't actually exist in my data.  Maybe I am just missing something simple?

The evolved data, WP12.0030.vtk, is provided as well.  Running this data 'cleans the slate' so that I can then go back to see the problem with my initial conditions again.  Of course, the problem shows up in this data too.

Thanks in advance!