Hi Joshua,

Upon looking into this with a test RAMSES dataset, I think something is actually broken in the AMRKDTree construction used to create single-resolution tiles of the domain for RAMSES.  I'm going to file an issue and assign it to me. 


On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 9:45 AM, Sam Skillman <samskillman@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Joshua,

The "Failed to split grids" are probably (maybe) okay. I haven't rendered ramses data in quite a while, but I think the kd-tree is probably just finding a corner case that I didn't have a better way to cover than just move on.

The progress bar error is a bit stranger, though I've also recently had issues with it in ipython that I don't understand. Could you paste the full traceback using http://paste.yt-project.org/ ?  That will make it easier to pick a spot to place a try-except for now. 


On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 6:05 AM, Joshua G. Albert <albert@strw.leidenuniv.nl> wrote:

Attn: Sam Skillman (Matthew thinks you might know a solution)

I'm attempting to follow the Simple Volume Rendering recipe given in the cookbook (http://yt-project.org/doc/cookbook/simple_plots.html#Simple_Volume_Rendering). I'm using Ramses simulation output and after consulting Matthew Turk it should be fine, using the bleeding edge version, which I am. My code that fails is:

pf = load(header)
dd = pf.h.all_data()
mi,ma = dd.quantities['Extrema']('Density')[0]
tf = ColorTransferFunction((np.log10(mi)+1,np.log10(ma)))
look = [0.0,0.0,-1.0]
width = 1.0
res = 512
cam = pf.h.camera(center,look,width,res,tf)
cam.snapshot("%s_test_snap.png" % pf, clip_ratio=8.0)
#Something fails in the progressbar of all places!

I get a series of "Failed to split grids."

It fails at snapshot, and at the end of the traceback I find:

/data2/albert/ramses/yt-x86_64/src/yt-hg/yt/extern/progressbar/widgets.pyc in update_js(self, pbar)
    344             $myPB.progressbar({{value: 0, max: {pbar.maxval:d}}});
    345         }}
--> 346         """.format(divid=self.uuid, pbar=pbar)

ValueError: Unknown format code 'd' for object of type 'float'

Any idea how to solve this easily? Possibly a good idea to optionally remove the progressbar in the future?

Best Regards,

Joshua G. Albert
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